Cultivating the Garden Within

This week, I planned a presentation for a garden club on the connections between mindfulness and gardening, of which there are many. Further, in my Wednesday night Mindfulness Membership, we focused on a current goal we were cultivating—whether a new skill, a project,...

A Bonus Day and a Free Hit of Dopamine

Happy Leap Day! Are you feeling grateful for the extra day? (I know it’s not really an extra day.) Or are you just ready to be DONE with February? I’m of two minds—as always—it’s the curse of being a Gemini. Last night the mindfulness membership met over Zoom, as we...

12 Paths Toward Greater Self-Love

12 Paths Toward Greater Self-Love The February 1-day mindfulness retreat at the Barred Owl centered on self-love. Even those of us who thought we had little room for growth in this area were surprised to see how lack of self-love showed up in various aspects of our...