Gratitude Brings Happiness

Are you feeling the light or the shadow? This full moon is affecting me for some reason.

The full moons often illuminate something for us, within us. This full moon is a penumbral one, meaning that the Earth’s shadow is cast upon the moon for a time. Did you see it? Did you sense a shadow being cast over your moon, over your light?

For the past two nights, I have seen the spectacular moon at 4 a.m. amplified by the recent ice storm with all the ice-laden branches and shimmering fields looking like they were filled with broken glass.

It was easy to feel a bit fragmented, some pieces in shadow, some shining like precious crystal. There was a definite sense that I needed to let go of some things in my life once and for all to make way for what will be new.

For three days now, ice has been pruning tree limbs in the woods all around the house. None were spared—hemlock, pine, oak, beech, maple, ash—all had to release some of their limbs and branches, ice shattering and tinkling. It has given me pause to think about how we hold onto things that need to be pruned and released. Sometimes, we hold on for far too long. Maybe it’s a job, a relationship, or a habit that is not serving us. Perhaps we feel we have no choice, or we prefer what is safe and known to us. As humans, we fear the unknown. If we let go, will we regret it? What will life be like? Will we be different?

Nature does its pruning so naturally. The storm was really beautiful, though scary at times. With snaps and cracks, the weak and dying limbs and branches were laid to rest. The trees and forest will ultimately be healthier.

Penumbral Lunar Eclipse: How and When to Watch - The New York Times

This was the first full moon after the spring equinox. It is a time for renewal, rebirth, for rising up.

Sometimes the releasing happens all at once, and you just know, “Okay, I’m ready.” And you let go of a whole limb, a crutch you’ve been holding onto. Maybe you perform some miracle and rise like Jesus. More often, letting go so something can be reborn in you is gradual, like a spring thaw.

Either way, every day we have a chance to be reborn. With every breath, we have a chance to begin anew. This I have grasped from mediation and mindfulness practices.

So I ask you to contemplate, is something casting a penumbra on your light right now? Is this something you need or want to release to the light of the moon?

What new are you rebirthing or simply birthing this spring? What new story or creation is more in alignment with your true self, your higher self, your God self—whatever you want to call it?

The Art of Savoring

This time of year challenges me on many levels. This fall, my beloved Carmelita is taking her time exiting this Earthly plane, and her long nights have left me feeling very overtired, contributing to my sadness. Like you, I also feel the weight of the political...

A Bonus Day and a Free Hit of Dopamine

Happy Leap Day! Are you feeling grateful for the extra day? (I know it’s not really an extra day.) Or are you just ready to be DONE with February? I’m of two minds—as always—it’s the curse of being a Gemini. Last night the mindfulness membership met over Zoom, as we...

At Year’s End: Reflections & Resolutions Blues

At Year’s End: Reflections & Resolutions Blues

It takes a conscious effort to reflect, to give oneself grace, and to cultivate the right headspace and mindset to begin a new year with promise and intention. So, that is what I am doing, and I would love for you to join me in this endeavor. I’m giving myself seven consecutive evenings at seven p.m. to breath, meditate, and complete some written reflection. It would be more fun and meaningful if you joined me and better yet, bring friends.

Setting A Morning Intention

Setting A Morning Intention

Morning Mindfulness Practice:Set a Daily Intention On waking, stay still and relaxed. Close your eyes and connect with the sensations of the body. Take thee long deep breaths through the nose into the belly, and let them out with an audible sigh. Ask yourself: “What...

Musings Under the Penumbral Moon

by | Mar 27, 2024 | Uncategorized